We are in need blankets for our homeless ministry in preparation to help those who are homeless through the winter months. If you have any blankets that are in good condition that you would like to donate, please contact us by phone at (724)-668-8576 to arrange a donation time.
Homeless Ministry Background
We first received a vision for this ministry in 2003 while returning from a trip to New York City where our group joined others in ministering to the homeless. During our return to Pittsburgh, some of us realized that we could do the same thing in Pittsburgh. We began by simply praying for direction and in October of 2003, we started what is now known as “No Walls Ministries.” We started going out on Friday nights with a thermos of coffee and some donuts. We went under bridges, into alleys, along with the rivers, and through the streets of Pittsburgh. With what we experienced that first night, we knew that this is where God wanted us to be.