Blankets Needed

We are in need blankets for our homeless ministry in preparation to help those who are homeless through the winter months. If you have any blankets that are in good condition that you would like to donate, please contact us by phone at (724)-668-8576 to arrange a donation time.

Homeless Ministry Background

We first received a vision for this ministry in 2003 while returning from a trip to New York City where our group joined others in ministering to the homeless. During our return to Pittsburgh, some of us realized that we could do the same thing in Pittsburgh. We began by simply praying for direction and in October of 2003, we started what is now known as “No Walls Ministries.” We started going out on Friday nights with a thermos of coffee and some donuts. We went under bridges, into alleys, along with the rivers, and through the streets of Pittsburgh. With what we experienced that first night, we knew that this is where God wanted us to be.

Blankets for the BRRG

blanket project poster

At a time when many people are focused on giving thanks for the bounty in their lives, others are feeling the pain of need.  As the leaves turn brilliant colors to announce fall, the nights are getting colder letting us know that winter is not far behind.  Winter is a devastating reality for the homeless. This causes fear and anxiety for most of the people who have to sleep outdoors. The face the risk of dehydration, frostbite and hypothermia.  For a homeless person, winter is no wonderland.

Pittsburgh has been called one of America’s most livable cities, but this does not apply to everyone.  This past January on a night so cold that you couldn’t feel your toes, a team from the Community Human Services counted 783 homeless people on the streets, alleys and along the river in temperatures below zero.

By providing these people with the tools necessary to survive through the winter months we can prevent serious injury or even death.  Your donation will greatly help to protect those outdoors in frigid weather.  

At the very least, everyone deserves to be safe from the elements.  Please help us make this happen by clicking the button below and making a donation.  100% of your contribution goes towards the purchase of a blanket, coat or hoodie for a homeless person in need.  You can also make arrangements with the church to drop off your donated items.

While this is a time to gather with family and friends and be grateful for our blessings, we hope that you will find it in your heart to help those who are less fortunate.

Thank you and God Bless!

Homeless Ministry Christmas Stockings

A huge thank you to Greater Works Christian Elementary School in Monroeville for making up Christmas stockings filled with daily necessities and fun surprises to give to the homeless on the streets of Pittsburgh. They were so grateful to receive them and it put a big smile on their faces. Mathew 25:40 “And the King will answer and say to them, Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”

Copyright 2024: No Walls Ministries